Professional assistance and guidance in resolving personal or psychological challenges. Kindly note that all our services are only available to Singapore Citizens, and Permanent Residents.
Family Support & Counselling (FSCP) is an integrated counselling programme for children, youths, individuals, couples, and families from ages between 2.5 and 65 years old. The service is open to anyone seeking help, regardless of their ethnicity or religious affiliation. At WINGS Counselling Centre, we understand that seeking help is a difficult first step to achieving the life you want, which is why a strict confidentiality policy is maintained. Our niche area of work is to serve children and at-risk youth. The aim of the programme is to help clients enhance the quality of their personal, social, emotional, behavioural, family, and marital life, while overcoming developmental or other challenges that they face throughout the various stages of life.
Couples today face a myriad of stressors – juggling work, home, children, and trying to live up to expectations of their spouse and extended family. As a result, many marriages break down and couples end up on the brink of divorce. Furthermore, the never-ending adjustment and challenges that couples face in the early years of marriage – adjusting to their new partner, in-laws, expectations, differing life goals, work, or simply managing differences – pose a threat to them.
At WINGS Counselling Centre, we employ a systemic model of therapeutic intervention that aims to create self-awareness for the client about issues that could be affecting their marital relationship. Individuals can choose to go for private sessions with the counsellor prior to attending couple sessions with their spouse when they are ready to work on their issues together. Couple sessions generally focus on enhancing the marital relationship by allowing the couple to gain a better understanding of each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
As each couple’s issue are unique, the challenges that they face vary. The therapy we provide is hence focused on providing a secure and safe space for the couple to bring up their concerns. This allows for better functioning of the marital relationship as the triggers that cause dysfunction in the relationship can be managed through fostering greater understanding between each other.
The friendly counsellors at WINGS Counselling Centre provide assistance to individuals and adults who may be experiencing a variety of personal issues such as work stress, relationship difficulties, transitional challenges, or family and personal dilemmas. Our counsellors are specially trained to employ a range of techniques based on systemic communication, experiential relationship building, therapeutic dialogue, cognitive-behavioural therapy, and expressive therapy to help clients create meaningful changes in their lives that elevate and improve their overall well-being, while facilitating the quality of their relationship with significant others.
Younger children aged between 2.5 and 7 years not only display developmental challenges, but also encounter social, emotional, behavioural, or learning-related difficulties. Research has shown that these manifested difficulties that children go through may have arisen from deeper underlying issues – things that are unclear or go unseen by parents. Such challenges during the early years of learning may severely limit the child’s ability to fully enjoy pre-school leaning and socialise amongst his or her peers. If left undetected, these difficulties could ultimately affect the young child’s confidence and self-esteem.
In 2009, with the support from National Council of Social Service, WINGS Counselling Centre piloted an early childhood programme that aimed to intervene early in the development and well-being of young children. Today, the programme is integrated under the ”Family Support and Counselling Programme”. For younger children, various forms of expressive techniques such as Sand-tray, Art, and Play therapy are used to identify and address the child’s difficulties. These forms of therapy provide a safe, secure, and non-threatening environment for young children to express themselves in a way that makes sense to them; this in turn facilitates the building of a trusting relationship between the child and counsellor, which then helps in the exploration of the child’s inner issues. Early intervention addresses the child’s challenges early so that the child is supported with the appropriate therapeutic intervention towards a successful learning journey. Young children depend on their parents and caregivers for support, thereby making them the most essential part of the collaborative therapeutic intervention.
The children and youth of today face many challenges that range from self-esteem to relationship issues. A lack of motivation toward studies and navigating the developmental issues that adolescents face are issues that adults often misunderstand. WINGS Counselling Centre’s niche area of work is helping children and youth through timely intervention. We have also been providing school-based counselling since 1995. We adopt a collaborative approach by working closely with students, their parents, and schools, to identify and address the challenges that youths face. We aim to empower youths with a sensible voice coupled with a sense of responsibility, as well as provide them with a nurturing environment within which they can flourish and grow as individuals.
The friendly counsellors at WINGS Counselling Centre provide assistance to individuals and adults who may be experiencing a variety of personal issues such as work stress, relationship difficulties, transitional challenges, or family and personal dilemmas. Our counsellors are specially trained to employ a range of techniques based on systemic communication, experiential relationship building, therapeutic dialogue, cognitive-behavioural therapy, and expressive therapy to help clients create meaningful changes in their lives that
elevate and improve their overall well-being, while facilitating the quality of their relationship with significant others..